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Monthly Archives: November 2014
A new central booking line is available to streamline antenatal appointments throughout NHSGGC…
A new central booking line – 0141 232 4005 – to streamline antenatal appointments is up and running throughout NHSGGC. It is part of wider changes to provide smoother and quicker access to maternity services.
Plus it will achieve the antenatal Health Improvement Efficiency Access to services and Treatment (HEAT) target of at least 80 per cent of women in each of the SIMD quintiles, securing an appointment by the 12th week of their pregnancy by April 1, 2015.
It should also lead to improvements in important health behaviours, including breast feeding rates, reducing smoking cessation rates, and substance and alcohol misuse, all leading to a positive impact on long-term public health.
By calling the number women are given an appointment with a named midwife and a scan slot. A SCI Gateway information request is then sent to the GP with details of the two appointments, asking for the information to be provided in advance of the booking appointment.
As far as possible, women will be offered appointments close to the GP, and their local hospital, to ensure improved continuity of care. There will be exceptions to the new booking system. For example if the GP considers that a patient needs to be seen very early or should be seen first by an obstetrician, the usual SCI referral can be followed.
Oral Methotrexte interaction alert – EMIS doesn’t check for potential interations of drug therapies…
Find out more about the EMIS alert:
Find out more about changes in cervical cytology frequency dependent on age…
From 1 April 2016, the age range and frequency of cervical screening will change for routine screening to three yearly from age 25 and five yearly from age 50 to 64 (currently three yearly from 20-60 years). Women on non-routine screening will be invited up to the age of 70 years, (a change from current arrangement of 68 years).
This change was announced by the Scottish Government in December 2012 following the report of the Expert Review Group and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Screening Committee. A question and answer document can be found on the Health Scotland website or for Smear Takers and Call Recall Offices it can also be accessed on the SCCRS system.
The professional question and answer document has been developed by the Cervical Screening Change in Age Range and Frequency Communications group which has representation from National Services Division, Scottish Government, Screening Board Coordinators, NHS Education for Scotland, Jo’s Cervical Trust, the public, NHS Health Scotland, Health Protection Scotland and NHS 24.
The Q&A is one component of a wider communications strategy which is being developed and implemented to prepare health professionals and the public in advance of the service change. If you have any questions about the Change to the Age Range and Frequency of Cervical Screening please email