Revalidation is the process by which licensed doctors demonstrate they remain up to date and fit to practise. Revalidation is based both on strengthened clinical governance processes and regular appraisal.
Effective appraisals that satisfy the GMC’s requirements will form the basis for the Responsible Officer’s recommendation on an individual’s fitness to practise. In Greater Glasgow and Clyde the Responsible officer is Dr Jennifer Armstrong, GGC Medical Director. However GP appraisal and revalidation is over seen by the General Practice Revalidation lead: Dr Paul Ryan, Clinical Director North East Glasgow CHCP.
Whilst most doctors will receive a positive recommendation, ROs have a responsibility to inform the GMC of any concerns about a doctor’s fitness to practise, a doctor’s refusal to engage with the process, or the need for a deferral. It is important that these issues are addressed as they arise and not solely when the revalidation recommendation is due.
The LMC library below holds extensive documents and links to assist you. If you require any further information please contact us at the LMC offices.
Revalidation library
Access To Medical Records
Agenda And Minutes
Child Protection
Claim Forms
Collaborative Arrangements
Freedom Of Information
GMS Disputes Procedure
GMS Statement Financial Entitlement
Information Technology
LMC Representatives
LMC Template Letters
Practice Management
Practice Resources
Primary Secondary Interface
Private Health Care Services
Sessional General Practitioners
Useful Links